American Fiction (2023): Family, Identity, and Integrity
Review: “American Fiction” (2023) In “American Fiction,” director Cord Jefferson skillfully navigates the intricate balance between drama and satire, delivering a film that resonates...
Review: “American Fiction” (2023) In “American Fiction,” director Cord Jefferson skillfully navigates the intricate balance between drama and satire, delivering a film that resonates...
“The LloydPergs” is a 10-minute short film directed by Gavin Lloyd and Shane Pergrem that takes audiences on a delightful journey into the world...
Operation Fortune: Ruse de Guerre is a spy caper directed by Guy Ritchie. The movie stars Jason Statham as a secret agent who is...
Emily the Criminal is a taut thriller that contains a wealth of social commentary. The movie stars Aubrey Plaza as Emily, a woman who...
Don’t Look Up is a political satire that tells the story of two astronomers who discover that a comet is heading towards Earth. The...
Kajillionaire, directed by Miranda July, is a quirky, offbeat film that explores the complex relationship between family members who are all con artists. The...
I Care a Lot is a 2020 film that tells the story of Marla Grayson, a legal guardian who exploits the elderly and vulnerable...
Booksmart is a coming-of-age film about two best friends, Molly (Beanie Feldstein) and Amy (Kaitlyn Dever), who are about to graduate high school and...