Kajillionaire (2020): A Heartwarming Tale of Con Artists and Family Ties
Kajillionaire, directed by Miranda July, is a quirky, offbeat film that explores the complex relationship between family members who are all con artists. The film follows the story of Old Dolio (Evan Rachel Wood), a young woman who has been raised by her con artist parents (Richard Jenkins and Debra Winger) her entire life. The film takes a closer look at the relationships between family members and how they can shape who we become in life.
The film is visually stunning and the performances by the lead actors are outstanding. Evan Rachel Wood shines as the quirky and introverted Old Dolio, who is struggling to find her place in the world. Richard Jenkins and Debra Winger, as Old Dolio’s parents, bring a warm and touching portrayal of what it means to be a parent and how our childhood experiences can shape our beliefs and values.
One of the most captivating aspects of Kajillionaire is the exploration of the dynamics between family members who are all con artists. The film highlights the importance of family and how it can provide a sense of security and comfort in a chaotic world. The film is not just about con artists, but it also deals with themes such as identity, self-discovery, and the meaning of family.